# How to Edit Renpy Saves: A Complete Guide for Beginners
Renpy is a popular engine for creating visual novels and other interactive stories. It allows you to save your progress at any point in the game, and load it later. But what if you want to edit your save files, for example, to change some variables, items, or stats? In this article, we will show you how to edit Renpy saves using different methods and tools.
## What are Renpy Saves?
Renpy saves are files that store the game state of a Renpy game. They contain both internal state and Python state. The internal state consists of all aspects of Renpy that are intended to change once the game has started, such as:
- The current statement, and all statements that can be returned to.
- The images and displayables that are being shown.
- The screens being shown, and the values of variables within those screens.
- The music that Renpy is playing.
- The list of nvl-mode text blocks.
The Python state consists of the variables in the store that have changed since the game began, and all objects reachable from those variables.
Renpy saves are usually stored in the following locations:
- Windows: `%APPDATA%/RenPy/[game name]`
- Mac: `/Library/RenPy/[game name]`
- Linux: `/.renpy/[game name]`
The save files have extensions like `.rpy`, `.rpyc`, `.rpyb`, `.rpyc.new`, `.rpyb.new`, etc. The most common ones are `.rpy` and `.rpyc`, which are plain text and compiled versions of the same file, respectively.
## How to Edit Renpy Saves?
There are different ways to edit Renpy saves, depending on your level of expertise and preference. Here are some of the most common methods:
### Method 1: Using UnRen
UnRen is a tool that allows you to enable console and developer menu in Renpy games. It also lets you decompile and edit Renpy scripts and save files. To use UnRen, follow these steps:
1. Download UnRen from [here](https://www.saveeditonline.com/).
2. Put it inside the game folder (not the folder named game, but the folder where you open the .exe).
3. Execute UnRen.bat.
4. Select option number 3 \"Enable Console and Developer Menu\".
5. Open the game, after the game loaded press \"Shift + O\" to open the console.
6. In the console, type `load [filename]` to load a save file, where `[filename]` is the name of the save file without extension (for example, `load save01`).
7. In the console, type `store.[variable] = [value]` to edit a variable in the save file, where `[variable]` is the name of the variable and `[value]` is the new value (for example, `store.money = 1000`).
8. In the console, type `save [filename]` to save your changes to a new file, where `[filename]` is the name of the new file without extension (for example, `save save01-modified`).
9. Close the console and enjoy your edited save.
### Method 2: Using Save Editor Online
Save Editor Online is a web-based tool that can make a troublesome game easier to win by helping you change some quantities (like amount of gold, items etc.). It supports many formats of save files, including Renpy's `.rvdata2`. To use Save Editor Online, follow these steps:
1. Go to [https://www.saveeditonline.com/](https://www.saveeditonline.com/).
2. Click the UPLOAD FILE button and select the save file you wish to edit (it should have an extension like `.rvdata2`).
3. Wait for the uploading process to finish.
4. Edit your form and change the values of variables as you wish (for example, change money from 100 to 1000).
5. Click the Download button to get your edited save file.
6. Replace your original save file with the edited one in your game folder.
### Method 3: Using Save Editor for all renpy versions
Save Editor for all renpy versions is a desktop application that can display and edit the full data of a saved game for research purposes. It can work with any version of Renpy and any format of save files. To use Save Editor for all renpy versions, follow these steps:
1. Download Save Editor for all renpy versions from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RenPy/comments/10r1cjp/save_editor_for_all_renpy_versions/).
2. Extract it to any folder on your computer.
3. Run SaveEditor.exe.
4. Click File -> Open File... and select the save file you wish to edit (it should have an extension like `.rpy`, `.rpyc`, etc.).
5. Wait for the loading process to finish.
6. Edit your data as you wish using the tree view on the left and the property grid on the right (for example, change money from 100 to 1000).
7. Click File -> Save File... to save your changes.
## Conclusion
Editing Renpy saves can be a fun way to explore different outcomes or cheat in a game. However, it can also cause errors or glitches if done incorrectly or excessively. Therefore, it is recommended to backup your original save files before editing them, and use editing tools at your own risk.
We hope this article has helped you learn how to edit Renpy saves using different methods and tools.
how to edit renpy saves
## How to Backup and Restore Renpy Saves?
Before editing Renpy saves, it is highly recommended to backup your original save files in case something goes wrong or you want to revert your changes. There are different ways to backup and restore Renpy saves, depending on your preference and convenience. Here are some of the most common methods:
### Method 1: Using GameSave Manager
GameSave Manager is a tool that can scan for your games and make backups of their save files automatically. It can also restore your save files from the backups easily. To use GameSave Manager, follow these steps:
1. Download GameSave Manager from [here](https://www.gamesave-manager.com/).
2. Install and run GameSave Manager.
3. Click Refresh to scan for your games and their save files.
4. Select the game you want to backup and click Backup.
5. Choose a destination folder and a backup name for your save files.
6. Click Start Backup to create a backup of your save files.
7. To restore your save files from the backup, click Restore and select the backup file you want to use.
8. Click Start Restore to overwrite your current save files with the backup.
### Method 2: Using Backup & Sync
Backup & Sync is a tool that can sync your files and folders with Google Drive automatically. It can also keep a version history of your files and let you restore them from any point in time. To use Backup & Sync, follow these steps:
1. Download Backup & Sync from [here](https://www.google.com/drive/download/backup-and-sync/).
2. Install and run Backup & Sync.
3. Sign in with your Google account and choose a folder to sync with Google Drive.
4. Copy or move your game's save folder to the sync folder (for example, `%APPDATA%/RenPy/[game name]`).
5. Wait for Backup & Sync to upload your save files to Google Drive.
6. To restore your save files from Google Drive, go to [https://drive.google.com/](https://drive.google.com/) and find your game's save folder.
7. Right-click on the save file you want to restore and click Manage versions.
8. Choose a version of the save file from the list and click Download.
9. Replace your current save file with the downloaded one in your game's save folder.
### Method 3: Using Dropbox
Dropbox is a tool that can sync your files and folders with Dropbox cloud storage automatically. It can also keep a version history of your files and let you restore them from any point in time. To use Dropbox, follow these steps:
1. Download Dropbox from [here](https://www.dropbox.com/install).
2. Install and run Dropbox.
3. Sign in with your Dropbox account and choose a folder to sync with Dropbox.
4. Copy or move your game's save folder to the sync folder (for example, `%APPDATA%/RenPy/[game name]`).
5. Wait for Dropbox to upload your save files to Dropbox.
6. To restore your save files from Dropbox, go to [https://www.dropbox.com/](https://www.dropbox.com/) and find your game's save folder.
7. Right-click on the save file you want to restore and click Version history.
8. Choose a version of the save file from the list and click Restore.
9. Replace your current save file with the restored one in your game's save folder.
## How to Decrypt and Decompile Renpy Saves?
Some Renpy games may encrypt or compile their save files to prevent editing or cheating. This can make it harder or impossible to edit Renpy saves using plain text editors or online tools. However, there are some ways to decrypt and decompile Renpy saves using different methods and tools. Here are some of the most common ones:
### Method 1: Using UnRen
UnRen is a tool that can enable console and developer menu in Renpy games. It can also decompile and edit Renpy scripts and save files. To use UnRen to decrypt and decompile Renpy saves, follow these steps:
1. Download UnRen from [here](https://www.saveeditonline.com/).
2. Put it inside the game folder (not the folder named game, but the folder where you open the .exe).
3. Execute UnRen.bat.
4. Select option number 4 \"Decompile RPA/RPYC files\".
5. Wait for the decompilation process to finish.
6. Open the game folder and find the decompiled save files (they should have extensions like `.rpy` or `.rpyb`).
7. Edit the save files using a text editor or another tool as you wish.
### Method 2: Using RPA Extractor
RPA Extractor is a tool that can extract files from RPA archives, which are used by some Renpy games to store their assets and data. It can also decrypt and decompile some of the files inside the RPA archives, including save files. To use RPA Extractor, follow these steps:
1. Download RPA Extractor from [here](https://github.com/Shizmob/rpaextract/releases).
2. Extract it to any folder on your computer.
3. Run rpaextract.exe.
4. Drag and drop the RPA file that contains the save files you want to edit (it should be located in the game folder) to the rpaextract window.
5. Wait for the extraction process to finish.
6. Open the output folder and find the decrypted and decompiled save files (they should have extensions like `.rpy` or `.rpyb`).
7. Edit the save files using a text editor or another tool as you wish.
### Method 3: Using Ren'Py Launcher
Ren'Py Launcher is a tool that can run and build Renpy games. It can also decrypt and decompile some of the files used by Renpy games, including save files. To use Ren'Py Launcher, follow these steps:
1. Download Ren'Py Launcher from [here](https://www.renpy.org/latest.html).
2. Install and run Ren'Py Launcher.
3. Click Preferences and set the project directory to the game folder that contains the save files you want to edit.
4. Click Launch Project.
5. Press Shift+D to open the developer menu.
6. Click Decompile File.
7. Enter the name of the save file you want to edit (it should have an extension like `.rpyc` or `.rpyb`).
8. Click OK.
9. Wait for the decompilation process to finish.
10. Open the game folder and find the decompiled save file (it should have an extension like `.rpy` or `.rpyb`).
11. Edit the save file using a text editor or another tool as you wish.
## Conclusion
Editing Renpy saves can be a fun and rewarding way to explore different outcomes or cheat in a game. However, it can also cause errors or glitches if done incorrectly or excessively. Therefore, it is recommended to backup your original save files before editing them, and use editing tools at your own risk.
We hope this article has helped you learn how to edit Renpy saves using different methods and tools. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy gaming! d282676c82
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